Golf Photograph

Web Sites for Clubs

The COMMiT Package
  • Are you tired of duplicating member's contact details on many systems every time a change is made?
  • Would your members like to be able to print handicap certificates through the club's site?
  • Would your members like to be able to check bar card balances online?
  • If you use BRS, would you like the diary to integrate with your website diary?

COMMiT Package

Since their acquisition by Jonas, the development team at CLUB View have been  enhancing integrations with their sister Jonas company ClubMINDER and other key players in the Golf Market Place to provide a fully integrated system. The other key partners being Handicapmaster, the well known handicapping system and BRS Golf, the top selling tee booking system.

This has resulted in CLUB View being part of a unique integrated system which communicates seamlessly with existing Club MINDER membership & till installations as well as handicapping software & Tee booking sofware.

This integrated system is called COMMiT. Below you will see how the COMMiT package can help your club.

Feature iconInterested in other integration types? See what else we can integrate our system with! Take a look

Integrated membership databases

All system databases talk to one another. This means duplication of information is a thing of the past. When updating the ClubMINDER membership database, all other partner databases are simultaneously updated in real-time. Equally if member's update their own details through the CLUB View Website, ClubMINDER and all other systems will be updated also.

Personalised Member's Home Page through One log in process

When logging into the member's side of the website through just a single log, a whole new world of new partner facilities are open to your members with automated entry into these facilites. With this combined vista, your members are also able to view bar card balances, exact handicap, latest club news latest tee bookings and club diary on a Members Landing page, thereby giving your members that real 'Personal Touch!'